This ‘n That
VACANCY on the Board of Trustees
Due to the resignation of a member of the Board of Trustees there is currently a vacancy.
All members are invited to consider volunteering as a member of the Board of Trustees. Trustees serve two year terms. There are monthly meetings and lots of opportunity to make a difference in your congregation! Please contact Teri Rockwood if you are interested in volunteering as a member of the Board of Trustees!
VACANCY – Administrative Assistant
Due to the resignation of the administrative assistant, that position will be vacant as of Monday, October 28.

3rd Thursday Choir Practice
@ the home Jeanne Trost, 911 W. Kaye Avenue
For more information please call Jeanne @ 226-6865
Hey! Did you know…Singing lowers stress levels!
Making music in any form is relaxing. Singing releases stored muscle tension and decreases the levels of a stress hormone called cortisol in your blood stream.
October 25th @ 6:30PM
MqtUU Meeting House
There will be bobbing for apples, fun treats and music. Costumes are encouraged!
GAME NIGHT @ the Meeting House
Tuesdays @ 6pm
For Teens & Adults. Games played depend on interest of participants. Board games, role playing games etc. For more information contact Desi Mims.
Pledge Payment Options:
Checks are welcome in the offertory basket. Unless otherwise noted in the memo line all checks received from members are considered pledge payments.
Yellow offertory are envelopes available to write your name and submit pledge payments in cash into the offertory basket.
Pledge payments can be set to monthly payments via PayPal with the DONATE button on the homepage of our website, Please note, we are charged a fee for each transaction of 2.9% plus $0.30 USD of the amount you receive.
The most preferred method of pledge payment is to set up automatic monthly payments with your bank or credit union. Our mailing address:
PO Box 687
Marquette, MI 49855
Don’t Forget to Save your Econo Receipts!
Add your saved Econo receipts to those in the box in the entryway of the Meeting House to be redeemed for 1% of the total! Last year, MqtUU received $500!THANK YOU!
People choose to volunteer for a variety of reasons. For some it offers the chance to give something back to the community or make a difference to the people around them. For others it provides an opportunity to develop new skills or build on existing experience and knowledge.
There are many opportunities to volunteer for MqtUU!
For more information contact the MqtUU Board of Trustees email:
Committees – An opportunity to give of your time and talents!
Communication Team
Building & Grounds
Spiritual Exploration
Faith in Action
Sunday Services
“It Ain’t Easy Being Green”… But we try to make it easier for you!
This program benefits both the environment and the Congregation! Thanks to all of you who have kept the recycling boxes full! (Click the pic for more info!)
Please keep bringing in your no longer needed small electronic items and computer ink cartridges, and we will continue to work for planet health and put some extra cash in the Congregation’s pockets as well.
The recycling boxes are in the entryway please place your items in the boxes there.
Thank You!
Help out the planet and the congregation by letting us recycle these items for you:
Inkjet Cartridges Cell Phones/Pagers & Accessories
GPS & Radar Detectors Mobile Hot Spots
Calculators eBook Readers
iPods/MP3 Players Digital/Video Cameras
PDAs iPads/Tablets Video Game Consoles & Handhelds
Video Games & Accessories
MqtUU also collects Tadych’s Econo slips to help funds for our congregation as well. Please collect your receipts and drop them in the box marked “Econo slips” in the entry way of the meeting house.
CARPOOL: If you, or someone you know, are interested in attending MqtUU but are unable due to lack of transportation please call the Meeting House at (906) 249-9450 and we will help find a ride for you! Also, if you regularly attend MqtUU and are willing and available to give a ride to a neighbor please call and we will add you to the rideshare list.
Marqtran Door-to-Door Service is available to schedule rides from anywhere in Marquette to our Meeting House! Please call 225-1112 or Check out
If you are paying cash towards your pledge, there are envelopes on the table in the entry of the Meeting House to put cash contributions in the Sunday Collection baskets. THANK YOU!
FOR QUICK CLEANUP…When activities are held at the Meeting House, just like any house, sometimes messes are made. There is a Sweeper available in the Utility Closet near the water fountain. The Sweeper is a manual for use by little hands as well as big hands! Thank you!