History Update for 2014-2015
Accomplishments Summer-Fall 2014
UUs participated in the UP Rainbow Pride parade and staffed an information table about our faith community at the Tourist Park.
- Completed pledge drive with $58,512 in pledges ranging from $20-$7200.
- Planted two memorial trees on church property in honor of recently deceased members; one for Mary Jo Wilkinson and the other for Alice McMahon.
- Early fall Building Work Bee to spruce up inside and out.
- Green team explored and proposed a solar panel project to supply energy to our Meeting House, led by Sarah & Dan Redmond. Research on what was needed, pricing, and rationale, plus a forums and public session were held.
- Our first Coming Age group (led by Teri Rockwood) wrapped up and presented their Credos statements to the congregation during a service that they led.
- We had a successful Heifer Dinner led by our Religious Education Committee (newly chaired by Jill Mielcarek) and raising money for Heifer International.
- Our Men’s group (organized by Dan Redmond) had several Saturday morning meetings.
- Dharmini Robertson started offering Chair Yoga on Wednesday nights at the Meeting House.
- Our Social Action Committee, chaired by Megan Foulks, organized Sunday Share the Plate donations to selected charities.
- Dharmini Robertson offered traditional Friday evening Salons.
- Our Annual Harbor House fundraiser was a concert by Susan Werner, raising nearly $2000. Member, Anne Stark, was instrumental in asking Susan to perform.
- A Reflection and Learning project on Israel-Palestine was led by Barbara Michael and Sarah Redmond several Sundays after church services.
- Environmental upgrades to our building were done….low flow toilets and on demand hot water heater were installed, largely through the leadership of Dan and Sarah Redmond.
- An NMU student UU group was formed with the leadership of Jon Martinson and Heidi Gould. A table was set up and staffed at the NMU student welcome day as well.
- The Buddhist Exploration and Mindful Meditation group continued to meet; a CUUPs/Wiccan group started meeting with the leadership of a new member, Dea Kowalczyk.
- Laura Nagle, RE coordinator, resigned and a search was initiated to fill this position. Lisa McKenzie was hired.
- A few members, led by Tim Vanderveen, went Christmas caroling at local nursing homes.
Winter-Spring 2015
- MUUC hosted Room at the Inn for a week in Jan. 2015 for the first time with much positive feedback from the guests. Sarah Johnson and Michelle Halley did the coordination and helped fill the 90 necessary volunteer slots.
- A two session New to UU class was offered by Tim Vanderveen and Nancy Sullivan.
- The BOT decided to hire a Music Coordinator and a personnel search was authorized.
- The Green Team recommended and the congregation concurred that the solar energy project be placed on hold after the bids came in much higher than previously expected.