SPECIAL EVENT We will meet IN PERSON at the Women’s Federated Clubhouse for a service with ‘Ski (musicians Kathryn Morski, Kathryn’s daughter Caitlin and her son Brian). “Mask Optional: Spooky or Friendly?” Masks offer us opportunities to be someone else, and the chance to discover our selves. (Zoom will also be available)
SPECIAL EVENT We will meet IN PERSON at the Women’s Federated Clubhouse for a service with ‘Ski (musicians Kathryn Morski, Kathryn’s daughter Caitlin and her son Brian). “Mask Optional: Spooky or Friendly?” Masks offer us opportunities to be someone else, and the chance to discover our selves. (Zoom will also be available)
Zoom link HERE https://us02web.zoom.us/j/556786154?pwd=VHFPVmN2LzN2VmhYY2hzR1krdnNMdz09#success