Keweenaw Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Service led by Bucky Beach (NOTE EARLIER TIME)
Bucky is a retired pastor from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church / Lutheran Campus Ministry. Find Zoom connection HERE
MUUC has hired a part time Congregational Administrator! (see below for information)
Please continue to fulfill your pledge for the fiscal year. ALSO NOTE that in order to remain a member for 2024-25, you must make a pledge (2024-2025 pledge form is HERE).You may pay your pledge in installments or in a lump sum. If you would like to become a member this fiscal year, making a pledge in any amount is your first step. Please email if you need help or a pledge form. You may send in a pledge via email. Thank you! Please note: if you are a current member, you may renew your pledge at any time.
Bucky is a retired pastor from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church / Lutheran Campus Ministry. Find Zoom connection HERE
Triangle Service with Petoskey and Bay de Noc UUs - "Change." Throughout our lives we cross many thresholds of change. Rev. Alice Diebel discusses the ever-present challenges and opportunities of change, and how we might honor these transitions whether they are welcome or unwelcome.
Barb Michael will be in town and we think it’s a great occasion to gather up! We will provide coffee, juice, bacon/veg sausage and fresh pancakes with the wild blueberries harvested from our property. Bring a dish to pass, invite a friend - OR – just bring yourself and enjoy some delicious food and great … Continued
It’s a part of human nature to believe that there’s plenty of time for everything we want to do and everything we need to say. Yet we often find that time has run out when we least expect it. As much as is humanly possible, let us try to live leaving nothing for later.
On Parables. . . is there more to the story of the Good Samaritan than just being a good person? We know how powerful words can be. . . some well-known parables are subservice speech through story telling.