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All are Welcome to Service at MUUC at 11 am Sunday morning. See "Sunday Services" below for Zoom connection & in person service information.

Sunday Service

"Forgiveness w/Mohey Mowafy" gg gordon

Spiritual Exploration Volunteer Orientation

MqtUU Meeting House 1510 M-28 East, Marquette, MI, United States

Anyone interested in helping out with Spiritual Exploration in the near (or far!) future should attend the SE Volunteer Orientation after the service on Sunday. It will be packed with information, ideas, and even some activities that might work to deepen our relations and our UU faith. Pizza will be served and childcare is available. … Continued

Leadership Meeting

MqtUU Meeting House 1510 M-28 East, Marquette, MI, United States

All are invited to attend Leadership meeting with Rev. Emmy Lou Belcher. Discussion topics will include moving towards a minister!

Sunday Service

MqtUU Meeting House 1510 M-28 East, Marquette, MI, United States

"Telling the Truth" Rev. Emmy Lou Belcher Recent events in our political scene have brought the issue if truth-telling to the fore. Assigned to write a paper for a ministers' study group on "Truth," the subject has been foremost in my mind. What influences our concepts of truth? Is there more than one understanding of … Continued

Board of Trustees Meeting

All are welcome to attend and share your thoughts, comments, concerns and suggestion on how to build and strengthen our Beloved Community. Agenda Items including but not limited to: Treasurer Report Parking Lot Maintenance Minister Search

Sunday Service

MqtUU Meeting House 1510 M-28 East, Marquette, MI, United States

“Day of the Dead” gg gordon

Sunday Service

MqtUU Meeting House 1510 M-28 East, Marquette, MI, United States

"Marking the Heart: The Uses of Memory" Rev. Laurie Bushbaum What are our memories for? How do they guide us, teach us and sustain us? While my mother declined from dementia over a period of 10 years and my son played with a toddler, I noticed how memory helps us find our place. They are like … Continued

First Sunday Film

MqtUU Meeting House 1510 M-28 East, Marquette, MI, United States

  In 1977, a book of photographs captured an awakening - women shedding the cultural restrictions of their childhoods and embracing their full humanity. This film revisits those photos, those women and those times - and takes aim at our current culture revealing all too vividly the urgent need for continued change. The film offers … Continued

Art Workshop

MqtUU Meeting House 1510 M-28 East, Marquette, MI, United States

Creating Blessing Books! with Rev. Laurie Bushbaum All are invited to create a hand-made pop-up card that makes a 3-D meditation image or scene. (2 hour workshop: families, youth, adults) Donations Welcome.

Sunday Service

MqtUU Meeting House 1510 M-28 East, Marquette, MI, United States

"Bless Animals & Remember End of WWI" Kathryn Campbell