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All are Welcome to Service at MUUC at 11 am Sunday morning. See "Sunday Services" below for Zoom connection & in person service information.

Haiti Mission Trip Mtg

MqtUU Meeting House 1510 M-28 East, Marquette, MI, United States

There will be a Haiti Mission Trip meeting directly after the St. Lucia service for anyone interested (so from 12:30-1:30). This will begin our monthly meetings to check in with each other and to actively work towards our goal of getting to Haiti in April of 2020! If you haven't already done so, please do the Doodle … Continued

Sunday Service

MqtUU Meeting House 1510 M-28 East, Marquette, MI, United States

"Stillness at Solstice" led by Mary Maki

Christmas Eve Service

"I shall endeavour, on this Eve of Christmas, to raise the Ghost of an Idea-- which shall not put anyone out of humour with themselves, with each other, with the season, or with me." --The Ghost of UU Christmas Past Come One!  Come All! Christmas Eve fun for the entire family begins at 5 pm, Monday, … Continued

Sunday Service

MqtUU Meeting House 1510 M-28 East, Marquette, MI, United States

"People of Mystery Small Group Service" led by Heidi Gould

Art & Craft Fair

Are you an artist or crafts person of any kind?  Then please bring some of your creations to display at our MUUC Arts &Crafts Fair!  It will take place  on the morning of Sunday, January 27th, before and after the Acts of Creation service being presented that morning by February Sky (Phil Cooper & Susan … Continued

Sunday Service

MqtUU Meeting House 1510 M-28 East, Marquette, MI, United States

Barb Michael "Journeys with Epiphanies" Barb Michael, Service Leader Join us for the first Sunday in the new year as we explore paths taken and new ones to pursue, complete with an epiphany or two.  Hear about significant insights and "a-ha" moments that inspire.  "I am open and I am willing - for to be … Continued

First Sunday Film

MqtUU Meeting House 1510 M-28 East, Marquette, MI, United States


Board of Trustees Meeting

Peter White Public Library 217 N. Front Street, Marquette, MI, United States

Dave, Sari, Anne, Kathy, Mary MqtUU Board of Trustees Anne Stark, President Dave Stensaas, Vice President Mary Maki, Secretary Kathryn Campbell, Trustee Sari Embley, Trustee All are welcome to attend and share comments, suggestions and concerns about our beloved community.

Sunday Service

MqtUU Meeting House 1510 M-28 East, Marquette, MI, United States

Walking With Adams' Five Smooth Stones Lay Minister, Paul Mitchell Rev. James Luther Adams was a leading Unitarian Universalist Theologian in the mid 20th century. Invoking the 1 Samuel account of the  David and Goliath story, he titled his succinct definition of religious liberalism, Five Smooth Stones of Religious Liberalism. We'll review Adams' thought and shares stories … Continued