Game Night
MqtUU Meeting House 1510 M-28 East, Marquette, MI, United StatesFor Teens & Adults Games played depend on interest of participants. Board games, role playing games etc… For more information contact Desi Mims
MUUC has hired a part time Congregational Administrator! (see below for information)
Please continue to fulfill your pledge for the fiscal year. ALSO NOTE that in order to remain a member for 2024-25, you must make a pledge (2024-2025 pledge form is HERE).You may pay your pledge in installments or in a lump sum. If you would like to become a member this fiscal year, making a pledge in any amount is your first step. Please email if you need help or a pledge form. You may send in a pledge via email. Thank you! Please note: if you are a current member, you may renew your pledge at any time.
For Teens & Adults Games played depend on interest of participants. Board games, role playing games etc… For more information contact Desi Mims
UUA GA Sunday Worship "In This Delicate Turning: UUA GA 2019" "After exploring el poder de nosotros/the power of we, what are we ready to do/¿que estamos listo para hacer? Let’s not be servants of the past in new cups. Let’s all get free by planting faithful seeds of change and together turn to free … Continued
"The Wisdom of Childhood for our Faith” L. Carol Scott brings powerful “developmental do-overs” for adults whose early years left them without the capacities for Trust, Independence, Faith, Negotiation, Vision, Compromise, and Acceptance. Surprisingly,that proves to be most of us, regardless of what a happy childhood we remember. Stay after the service as Dr. Scott continues to explore the message that it is … Continued
“Where Do We Fit?” Paul Mitchell There are small UU congregations scattered across the UP. They share common existential challenges and we in Marquette are working on some specific to us! What is the future for congregations in general? What is the future for remote, small congregations? And maybe a peek at how our national … Continued
2019/2020 Board of Trustees Teri Rockwood Desi Mims Jason Harrington Anne Stark Mary Maki Marquette Unitarian Universalist Congregation Board of Trustees Agenda for July 14, 2019 Call to Order: Attendance: Absent: Opening words and chalice lighting: Open Forum: Approval of Minutes Treasurer Report Spiritual Exploration Report: Committee Communication as Needed Old Business … Continued
Paul Mitchell @ Lakenenland “Thoughts of Joanna Macy” “The most remarkable feature of this historical moment on earth is not that we are on the way to destroying the world---we’ve actually been on the way for quite a while. It is that we are beginning to wake up, as from a millennia-long sleep, to a … Continued
On Forgiveness - Teri Rockwood
“The Divinity of Sound” We’ll lead the congregation through an exploration of sound and music. Using our ears and intuition to commune together, we’ll dive into deep listening and group singing.
Paul Mitchell Followed by MqtUU Board of Trustees Meeting
Paul will hold an introductory question and answer time following the service on August 11th. We invite you to get to know Paul and our creative ministry effort! Here is some of what Paul will be ministering to: Leading services on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. He is also available for pastoral … Continued