Game Night
MqtUU Meeting House 1510 M-28 East, Marquette, MI, United StatesFor Teens & Adults Games played depend on interest of participants. Board games, role playing games etc… For more information contact Desi Mims
MUUC has hired a part time Congregational Administrator! (see below for information)
Please continue to fulfill your pledge for the fiscal year. ALSO NOTE that in order to remain a member for 2024-25, you must make a pledge (2024-2025 pledge form is HERE).You may pay your pledge in installments or in a lump sum. If you would like to become a member this fiscal year, making a pledge in any amount is your first step. Please email if you need help or a pledge form. You may send in a pledge via email. Thank you! Please note: if you are a current member, you may renew your pledge at any time.
For Teens & Adults Games played depend on interest of participants. Board games, role playing games etc… For more information contact Desi Mims
Anyone concerned and interested in supporting the Spiritual Exploration (SE) program within the Marquette UU Congregation is invited to Barb Michael's home (102 Wintergreen Trail in Chocolay Township) at 10 am this Saturday to discuss the future of the SE program. Bring your positive spirits as we share our support and hope for our children … Continued
"For All Our Dads – A Father’s Day Tribute to Fathers and Father Figures" Presenter: February Sky (Phil Cooper & Susan Urban Both men and women seem to have an innate need for nurturing from males as well as females. If someone’s biological father is absent or unavailable, they will often seek out other men … Continued
Thank you to all that attended the Annual Meeting on May 19th. For those who were not there, the following is an outline of what happened at the meeting. There were lengthy discussions on each item, much deliberation on the budget, and by that point there was no longer a quorum. Changes have been made … Continued
VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! MqtUU Hosting SUMMER SHELTER June 16 – 23 Check In: 9 - 9:30pm Check Out: 6am For more information and to volunteer your time or needed items (Gatorade, granola bars, disposable wipes, hygiene products or $$) please call Kim Frost (906) 458-1382.
For Teens & Adults Games played depend on interest of participants. Board games, role playing games etc… For more information contact Desi Mims
"Ruins and Revolutions: Reflections upon Society, Religion, and Nature as Proposed by C. F. Volney" - Jerry Losee Join us as we hear about the ideas of a little known Enlightenment thinker whose book, "The Ruins", was first translated to English by Thomas Jefferson, a fellow UU.
For Teens & Adults Games played depend on interest of participants. Board games, role playing games etc… For more information contact Desi Mims
UUA GA Sunday Worship "In This Delicate Turning: UUA GA 2019" "After exploring el poder de nosotros/the power of we, what are we ready to do/¿que estamos listo para hacer? Let’s not be servants of the past in new cups. Let’s all get free by planting faithful seeds of change and together turn to free … Continued
"The Wisdom of Childhood for our Faith” L. Carol Scott brings powerful “developmental do-overs” for adults whose early years left them without the capacities for Trust, Independence, Faith, Negotiation, Vision, Compromise, and Acceptance. Surprisingly,that proves to be most of us, regardless of what a happy childhood we remember. Stay after the service as Dr. Scott continues to explore the message that it is … Continued