May Board Meeting
This month's board meeting will be taking place immediately after church service on May 2nd, both in person and via Zoom (link in the weekly newsletter).
MUUC has hired a part time Congregational Administrator! (see below for information)
Please continue to fulfill your pledge for the fiscal year. ALSO NOTE that in order to remain a member for 2024-25, you must make a pledge (2024-2025 pledge form is HERE).You may pay your pledge in installments or in a lump sum. If you would like to become a member this fiscal year, making a pledge in any amount is your first step. Please email if you need help or a pledge form. You may send in a pledge via email. Thank you! Please note: if you are a current member, you may renew your pledge at any time.
This month's board meeting will be taking place immediately after church service on May 2nd, both in person and via Zoom (link in the weekly newsletter).
A lighthearted but meaningful service with a message of hope for Unitarian Universalists, updated to reflect on troubled times in recent years. Susan and Phil will be back with us in person! May 16 Time: 11:00 am To attend virtually, see link in the weekly newsletter.
One of our ongoing traditions at the Marquette UU is a spring clean-up at Tourist Park that started way back when Alice McMahon was the Chair of the Religious Education Committee (now known as Spiritual Exploration). Please join us Thursday, May 20th at 5pm at the Tourist Park playground for a fast clean-up and then … Continued
Board meeting to be held both in person and via Zoom (link in the weekly newsletter).
Please join us Friday, June 4th at 7pm for a bonfire with s'mores at the UU Congregation. Also, Sarah and Nora Bennett are moving out of the area once school is out and it will be a bon voyage party for their sweet family too.
Zoom link to be found in the newsletter.
This month's Soul Matters theme is Compassion, and this weeks message is about what makes us "enough" Please join us this week in person or via Zoom (check the newsletter for the link or email
The most lighthearted of the solar festivals, Summer Solstice, or Midsummer, celebrates the time when the hours of daylight are longest. At Summer Solstice we give thanks for Nature’s abundance while indulging in childlike play. We will welcome the arrival of the Sun's warming rays and consider how we might use their heat to transform … Continued
This week's service we'll be talking about polyamorous relationships and their inclusion in the Unitarian Universalist community. Please join us in person or Zoom! For Zoom information, check the newsletter or contact Desi at