Our next service via Zoom with our once a month minister through at least May 2024, Rev. Denise Tracy, “SHMILY: Lessons for Life about Love.” Music by February Sky.
Sunday, February 18 - 11am - What can we learn about living and maintaining primary relationships? Music by February Sky. ZOOM connection HERE
Final Pack Up and Decision Making Day – need furniture, kitchen stuff, etc. free of charge?
The building will be open from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. for anyone who needs kitchen supplies, children's toys and games, chairs (folding and upholstered ) and other furniture and miscellaneous items to take away FREE of charge. ADDRESS: 1510 M-28 East, Marquette, MI, Email: mqtuuadassist@gmail.com for information.
Suggested link to service at Bay de Noc UU, “Transgender Day of Visibility” led by Sharon Pederson and Vicki McGaffigan, click for Zoom Link
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/9064203337?omn=94390790763 Transgender Day of Visibility is March 31, and in preparation and honor of that, Sharon Pedersen will talk about issues facing trans people and their allies. 449 anti-trans bills have been proposed around the country and 20 states have proposed becoming "sanctuary states". Learn what's happening in Michigan to help our … Continued