“Overcoming Fear,” presented by Christie Jean Wagner – What fears are important? What fears only hold us back? One trans woman’s journey.
What fears are important? What fears only hold us back? One trans woman’s journey.
MUUC has hired a part time Congregational Administrator! (see below for information)
Please continue to fulfill your pledge for the fiscal year. ALSO NOTE that in order to remain a member for 2024-25, you must make a pledge (2024-2025 pledge form is HERE).You may pay your pledge in installments or in a lump sum. If you would like to become a member this fiscal year, making a pledge in any amount is your first step. Please email mqtuuadassist@gmail.com if you need help or a pledge form. You may send in a pledge via email. Thank you! Please note: if you are a current member, you may renew your pledge at any time.
What fears are important? What fears only hold us back? One trans woman’s journey.
International Darwin Day on February 12th inspires people throughout the globe to reflect and act on the principles of intellectual bravery, perpetual curiosity, scientific thinking, and hunger for truth as embodied in Charles Darwin.
Join Marquette Unitarian Universalist Congregation and Northwoods Learning Hub families for a delicious meal of homemade soups, breads & desserts, music & community. Donations of all sizes welcome. ALL proceeds go to JJ Packs, a non-profit addressing hunger in Marquette! Soup, bread and dessert sign up is here! Sign up is available below or call/text … Continued
The word “God” can be a hot-button for many Unitarian Universalists. But late maverick retired Episcopal bishop John Shelby Spong, whose best known book is “Why Christianity Must Change or Die,” gives us some new ways of looking at the concept. He says, “I can tell no one who God is or what God is. … Continued
A chance to review the sanctuary and displays - Redo the bookshelves - Replant plants in larger pots - Hang up more current signage - Test coffee makers and clean out fridge - Make a list of repairs needed.
As in many other fields, women tend to have a hard time being taken seriously as songwriters. Yes, their writing is subtly different from men’s, and this is seen as making it inferior rather than “different therefore equal.” But many well-crafted and meaningful songs have been written by women about women. This service will focus … Continued